Monday, July 14, 2008

0-3 months flew by!

And before I knew it, RK is...
  1. Holding his feet with his hands
  2. Putting his feet up (90 degree angle) and turning to one side
  3. Bestowing smiles on all at home
  4. Quietens down when I sing his fav song. (I think this deserves a separate post!)
  5. Scratching his head
  6. Holding on to objects
  7. Recognises Roopa - his blue elephant toy
  8. Cries when Roopa is taken away from his sight while he is playing with her
  9. Smiles and coos for being lifted
  10. Turns to follow the sounds
  11. Plucks the petals from the roses in our backyard
  12. Plays with the wind chime in the backyard
  13. Grown out of his 0-3 months clothes
  14. Grown out of his fist pair of boots. ( I got one when I was past 20!)

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