Thursday, April 10, 2008

And I never thought I would...

- Talk about my labor to any mom or to be mom who shows the slightest interest
- Talk about my son to all who ask about him. Yes, they expect me to talk about him when they ask but I am pretty sure I talk much more than they expect
- Not call my girlfriends for extended periods of time. Me who advises every girl that gets married how important it is that she keep in touch with her girlfriends, blah blah...and here I am - preaching only and not practicing.
- Feel that I know what and how best to care for my son. Needless to say on numerous occasions when I have been out my mom has fed, burped, changed and rocked him to sleep even. But when I am home, I know best and I dole out advice freely. (tongue in cheek!)
- Sing songs personalized to the moment and my son.
- Invent 'cute' versions of words that do not exist in any dictionary. Warning to my better half that I might argue for the use of these words in a future scrabble game. One that I particularly love is 'Wakey!'.
- Apply baby terms to my actions. E.g.- "I need to go pee pee". (I know! I think so too!!!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree to this..i have invented so many new words diapee..eatu eatu..well most of the words or even sentences i just add a pee pee or tu tu at the end to make a new one