Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mommy Essentials

En route to my follow up appointment with my gynec, I could not help wondering what one would do without a breast pump. I love the confidence of having a bottle or two ready for my baby when I have to step out. Though I haven't started work yet, it gives me the peace of mind for such occasions.

Another one is the boppy pillow. My shoulders and arms are so thankful to this U shaped pillow that can pretty much hold a new born. Of course, I wonder how long I will be able to use this before my tall lil fella outgrows it. But nevertheless, I love the boppy pillow. BTW, there is a newer version of it out there called (I kid you not!) 'My Brest Friend'.

The wipe warmer - ooh...I wish there was an adult version of this (that doesn't sound right!) that I could use for warming toilet paper. Wouldn't that be a boon???

Travel Diaper Dispenser - This one was a baby shower gift and I love it! It is a little ducky with a set of tiny disposable scented bags attached to its bottom. The bags peel off very much like the bag roll at a grocery store (tear at the perforation kinds!). This contraption is about the size of my hand and is perfect to carry around in the diaper bag. Each scented bag stores one diaper and can be used to dispose it off easily wherever we are. How cool is that!

A parallel train of thought that runs through my head is I cannot imagine how mommies have survived centuries without the above. Well, that's a little exaggerated one might add but think about it. I accept most of these as being needed and essential. My mom would smirk at me if she was the smirking kind. She sweetly says she doesn't even remember how those days went by.


Vijay Kumar said...

Very engaging! The Hurricane lives...

Unknown said...

While reading the blog I actually forgot about the outside world coz i got so involved reading it...being a mom i can totally relate to it.

Hurricane C said...

I know what you mean and I have felt the same reading some mommy blogs earlier. I am so glad to hear you say that now!